
10 Tips to travel in South Korea, Seoul

Tip 1. Looking for fuss free and discount on some of the attractions? Do your bookings on


▪▪ Note that the pricing is in USD.

Apparently everyone knows about it so idk if it’s still a tip hahaha. We book our everland ticket from this website too!

It’s just more convenient too!

Tip 2. Walk around before buying

Because they really everywhere sales! And beat part is everywhere discount is different, thus to avoid being “cheated”, always always look around

You’ll spend alot more time figuring out where is cheaper for clothes, bags, shows and everything else than the actual buying. Hahaha for me that is

Tip 3. Don’t buy anything until it’s 1 + 1!!

Especially for beauty products!

Even if a 40% off looks tempting, there always seems to be a 1 for 1 being offered somewhere!

Okay disclaimer ah, really not every brand every product will have 1 for 1. So need to manage expectations abit. Like when I went, innisfree is like the only brand that does not have 1 for 1 (or 10 for 10) for masks!

So I end up settling for a 50+30 offer. Lol. 😩😩

Tip 4. Remember to bargain!

Esp those street stalls, you can negotiate with them de. And do the walk away trick, they’ll prob stop you and give you higher discount!

And it works! My mother did it for a bag. I did it for a pretty floral skirt and it wasn’t a street stall. It was in those shopping building like BKK kind!

The owner was selling this skirt at 25k won I think? Basically an amount that higher than my normal budget for clothes. Cheapo me is standard 10 bucks per price nia. HAHAHAH. So I asked 10k can or not. She said it’s already discount blah blah. Then I’m like okay lo, not that I love it so much until I need it lah. Plus who says go holiday means can burst your normal budget? At least not for me luh.


Then the owner pull me back says okay lah 10k lah 10k hahaha

SCORED! ✌ (Unintentionally though)

Tip 5. Lotte Mart offers 50% off to members !

We bought shampoo and hair oil on 50% off! And even a sesame oil too!

It Is much much cheaper than buying back in SG! Hair oil for $5, where to find! Hahah

All of that was upon recommendations from the Airbnb host also. If you need the brand of it to look see around in #seoul do pm me!

Tip 6. Namsan Shuttle Bus

To get to the N. Seoul Tower, there’s 3 shuttle bus services that you can take.

Do Google for it and the transportation details in on the visit Korea website.

Basically the buses actually runs through shopping areas like insadong myeongdong and etc. Best part is, it has English indicator too!

Just go to the few metro station like Seoul, itaewon, myeongdong etc then you can hop on to the bus and go to the other places too

Don’t have to take metro only!

Tip 7. Separate your trash. Or not?

This 2 bins are different. Spot the difference?

Actually also no difference as if you were to look closely, they throw their drinks cup on both also. LOL

So actually idk, it’s just don’t get caught lo. You’ll see alot of recyclable bins and realise that many of their locals don’t really follow too

But my Airbnb seems to be very anal about it as it states to use the right bags to throw and to separate the trashs properly.

All the clothes I brought over to wear is intended to throw away de. To save space actually hahah. So to play save and not get fined, we throw it at a random bin at another building.

So see how strict your accommodation is okay?

Tip 8. Google map sucks

They Kakao everything de!

These apps are the most accurate to giving you direction for bus metro and map. BUT, they’re in Korean. Lol. That’s why my brother don’t use Kakao Map also because he can’t understand and always get troll by Google map. 😅

This is the metro app that we ended us using. As per @sharonw recommendations on her post too previously

And it’s useful! Except going to Nami Island. Lol it doesn’t give the ITX directions but the metro ones instead

Tip 9. Ginseng buy only from Jegi-dong

Take the metro to Jegi-dong (Line 1). Come out from exit 2. Just walk straight ahead to cross 2 road down.

After crossing the second road which you’ll see the building has a Korea flag on the right, turn left into the small road. And turn right immediately into another small alley. That’s where you’ll see a whole alley of ginseng on display and you’ll on the right path


After getting lost twice, the host brought us there de!

Here here, a whole street for these ginsengs hahaha


that my Airbnb host buys from. She’s also a Singaporean and she regularly buy ginseng back home too for her mother.

Plus you see the orange shirt guy inside? He knows some English, thus she’ll buy from this shop because outside of Seoul, any of the Koreans don’t know English or Chinese de. You’ll be pretty helpless trying to understand what they say.

Tested & proven 😅

Tip 10. Remove all packaging when you’re packing your luggage

If not, it’ll be an extremely uphill task for you to bring back all your shopping loots! Haha




Advance check in is available @ Seoul Station AREX Exit 15 Basement 2

For the details, refer to @chocodoveelves:090717

Once you done the advanced check in. You can queue here for the fast lane for departure! ✌✌

Hope all these tips will be useful for you all!

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